Friday, January 23, 2015

One Word, Not Multiple Resolutions, for the New Year

A few years ago I read about choosing one word for the New Year as a focus rather than making a bunch of resolutions likely forgotten or broken.  The word may represent a growing edge, a way of becoming, a challenge, an encouragement, a signpost.  So that's what I've done for the past few years.  Problem is, I never did much beyond thinking about the word vaguely throughout the year and wondering why it didn't seem to make much difference in my life.

This year, rather than just choose a word that floats nebulously in the background all year, I've decided to more intentionally ingest and ponder it, allowing it to permeate and nourish me, rather like Lectio Divina, so I've started with art prayer journaling and two word clouds of synonyms created at

Choosing the word is more an intuitive, heart activity rather than a logical, mind-based one, though there is a logic to the word.  Rather than think hard about it, I think about my intention to have a word, then wait for one to come to me that seems right.  Fidelity came to me a month or so ago, and it's very appropriate, which was especially obvious after reviewing my journal entries for 2014, a yearly practice.

While there are multiple facets of fidelity to explore, my first and deep desire is for greater fidelity in my relationship with God.  To be:

  • faithful in spending intentional, focused time with Him each day
  • loyal to His will for me
  • steadfast in loving others as He commands
  • solid in my belief in His compassionate love and mercy for me
  • devoted to Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Solid, true blue letters on a rock gives me a good image to carry.   Just the process of looking up synonyms and considering their nuances broadens and enhances my understanding of fidelity.  It's a good start.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Senses in Photos

In preparation for a retreat I am co-leading this April, I am finally diving into the many art prayer and therapy type books I have.  One had an exercise in which you take photos representing the senses, so I did that from my window seat yesterday in the afternoon sunlight.  I find photography can help me to be in the moment, see something familiar in a new way and appreciate the beauty around me.
Touch - I can imagine touching those prickly pinecones that seem to touch the sky
Hearing - the wind in the trees, the trees growing

Sight - my eyes and the camera catch the blur of motion and color of Catnip's tail

Smell - the warm woolly smell of the lamb

Taste - I remember Catnip licking my chin last night with her scratchy tongue

Knowing - the book adds a sixth sense of knowing;
I know beyond there is more than just what I see with my eyes.
This is one I feel I could ponder a while...

 I'm adding this because I like it.  I never saw this spot as an altar before, though it is often where I pray,
but seeing it in a photo makes me realize that it is a home altar.

I am even in the picture!