Wednesday, April 22, 2015


I wouldn't normally entitle a post, Me, but part of spiritual formation is accepting who we are, both the bad and good, and discovering the hidden parts of our personality, the shadow and the golden shadow,   As I've grown with God over the years, I've come to know myself better, accept myself more and to integrate the shadow side, though I've still a ways to go.  Here's some of the generally good I know about myself.  (I say generally, because a good trait taken to an extreme, can be a weakness--my husband would say that about my curiosity!  Maybe I need to write a companion piece that contains some of the negative.)


Animal lover
Nancy Drew & Sherlock Holmes—Books!
New experiences, travel
Learning, thinking, growing
Exploring the world outside & in
By foot, by plane, by words printed & digital,
in silent gazing, listening & musing
Sharing what I’ve learned
Encouraging others to grow